
Key Elements

Essential foundations to the Buteyko Method

Key Elements

Essential foundations to the Buteyko Method

What is "normal breathing"?


When we breathe, our body produces CO2 (carbon dioxide). Breathing is considered normal when there is a balance between the elimination and production of CO2. If we breathe more than we need, we lose carbon dioxide and deplete its reserves in our body.

Dr. Konstantin Buteyko developed a simple test to measure the CO2 levels in our lungs. He found that they correlate with how long we can hold our breath after exhaling. That time interval known as the "Control Pause" reflects our body's tolerance to CO2.

If your breathing constantly depletes your CO2 levels, your body has a low tolerance to CO2, so your Control Pause is shorter.

CO2/Control Pause Chart

A healthy person can hold their breath after exhaling for 40-60 seconds without any discomfort.

According to Dr. Buteyko, the majority of people have a Control Pause of 20-40 seconds. Even without apparent health problems, they are likely to develop them in the future. This might indicate that there's something wrong with their lifestyle, like an unhealthy diet, excessive drinking, or a stressful environment.

However, a Control Pause below 20 seconds is a clear and unmistakable sign of chronic disease.

Key Elements

  • Always keep your mouth closed when you breathe.
  • Even when breathing through the nose, try to breathe less than you normally do.
  • Control your breathing at all times, especially when exercising or in a state of anxiety.
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Anyone can benefit from these recommendations, regardless of health condition.

For a more profound effect, learn the Buteyko Method - the most effective natural remedy for asthma and other chronic diseases.

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For over 25 years Buteyko Breathing Technique has been committed to helping asthamtics using natural, proven and safe methods.

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