The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data
:1. Introduction
- Urban areas represent a small fraction of the global land area, yet the land component of the IPCC’s global temperature estimates includes many urbanized weather stations. As a result, there is concern that they might be contaminated by urbanization bias, i.e., warming biases from the growth of urban heat islands around weather stations [6,7,8,9,10].
- Matthes et al. (2017) [11], the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) dataset recommended by the CMIP6 organizers for estimating past solar activity, is a “low solar variability” estimate, just like the four datasets considered by the CMIP5 modeling groups for AR5 [3,7,12], and implies a much smaller role for the Sun than using a “high solar variability” dataset [7,12,13,14,15].
1.1. Influence of C2021’s Findings on Recent Attribution Studies
- Stefani (2021) [17] recognized the concerns about urban data raised by C2021 and based their analysis on global SST data instead. Acknowledging C2021’s point that it was unclear which (if any) of the many TSI datasets were correct, Stefani instead used the geomagnetic aa index as a proxy for solar activity citing previous work that found it to be useful as a solar proxy. Stefani then carried out a multilinear regression between SST, aa, and atmospheric CO2 concentrations (i.e., the main component of IPCC’s “anthropogenic forcings”). The results suggested that solar activity explained between 30% and 70% of the observed long-term warming.
- Harde (2022) [18] used a two-layer energy balance model to evaluate the relative and absolute contributions of changes in (a) solar activity and (b) atmospheric CO2 concentrations to Northern Hemisphere land and ocean temperatures since 1881. Considering C2021’s cautions about urbanization bias, Harde combined Soon et al. (2015)’s “mostly rural” land series [7] with Kennedy (2014)’s sea surface temperature record [23]. Harde carried out different “natural and anthropogenic” hindcasts for 6 of the 16 TSI records identified by C2021. The hindcasts using the TSI recommended to modelers for AR5 [3], i.e., Wang et al. (2015) [24], and AR6 [1], i.e., Matthes et al. (2017) [11], described the observed temperature changes very poorly. However, a striking fit was obtained (r = 0.95) between the hindcasted and observed temperatures when Scafetta et al. (2019)’s [12] update to Hoyt and Schatten (1993) [13] was used for TSI. This fit implied that 2/3 of the long-term warming for the Northern Hemisphere (oceans and rural land, 1881–2014) was solar in origin and only 30% was anthropogenic.
- Li et al. (2022) [19] used a statistical frequency analysis (using wavelet coherence) to evaluate the relative contributions of changes in TSI and CO2 to global surface temperatures since 1880. Their chosen temperature record was Lenssen et al. (2019)’s global land and ocean series [25], which includes urban data. Therefore, Li et al. cautioned that their chosen temperature record was probably contaminated by non-climatic biases and referred the readers to C2021 for more details. They also cautioned that there was considerable debate over which TSI dataset to use, but that a choice was necessary and they decided on Coddington et al. (2016)’s TSI reconstruction [26]. As we will discuss later, this is very closely related to AR6’s Matthes et al. (2017) [11] series and was also one of C2021’s 16 TSI records. Li et al. found a very strong solar signal in the temperature changes up to about 1960, but afterward, the temperature changes shifted to being dominated by increasing CO2. However, if they detrended the temperature record after 1960 to account for the presumed CO2 warming, the very strong solar signal remained for the entire 1882–2020 period.
- Richardson and Benestad (2022) [20] reanalyzed some of the C2021 dataset using a multilinear regression in terms of TSI and anthropogenic forcings. However, they confined their analysis to C2021’s Northern Hemisphere “rural and urban” land series and dropped 2 of the 16 TSI records that ended before the 21st century. They were unable to find a substantial solar contribution to the long-term warming of the “rural and urban” series with any of the 14 remaining TSI records. They argued that the main difference between their reanalysis and C2021’s was that C2021 carried out a sequential regression rather than a simultaneous multilinear regression.
- Chatzistergos (2023) [21] did not use any TSI series for his analysis. Instead, he confined his analysis to a particular solar activity proxy—the solar cycle length (SCL). He noted that this proxy was one of the five solar proxies used in Hoyt and Schatten (1993)’s multiproxy TSI reconstruction [13]. This was one of the 16 TSI series identified by C2021—coincidentally the one identified by Harde (2022) as the best-fitting TSI record [18]. Comparing Hoyt and Schatten (1993)’s SCL component to several global land and ocean records (that incorporated urban data), he found that this individual proxy was unable to explain much of the post-1970 warming.
- Scafetta (2023)’s [22] attribution study used a 1-D energy balance model with a variable system response time to account for ocean buffering. The main temperature records considered were global land and ocean records. However, recognizing the concerns over urbanization bias in the land component, a secondary analysis only considered global sea surface temperatures.
1.2. IPCC AR6’s Positions on the Urbanization Bias and TSI Debates
“No recent literature has emerged to alter the AR5 finding that it is unlikely that any uncorrected effects from urbanization […], or from changes in land use or land cover […], have raised global Land Surface Air Temperature (LSAT) trends by more than 10%, although larger signals have been identified in some specific regions, especially rapidly urbanizing areas such as eastern China [27,28,29]”—AR6, Chapter 2, pp. 43–44 [1].
1.3. Aims of This Study
- How should the urbanization bias problem be accounted for?
- Which solar activity dataset(s) should be considered?
2. Methods and Datasets Used
2.1. Northern Hemisphere Land Air Temperature Series Used
- The “rural-only” estimate is noticeably “noisier”, i.e., the magnitudes of the fluctuations from year to year are larger. This is largely a consequence of the reduced number of stations, as discussed in C2021. However, it is noteworthy that the timing of the multidecadal warming and cooling periods for both series are qualitatively similar.
- The long-term (1850–2018) linear warming trend of the “rural and urban” series is 62% higher than that for the “rural-only” series, i.e., +0.89 °C/century compared to +0.55 °C/century. C2021 argue that much of this extra warming in the “rural and urban” series is due to a combination of urbanization bias and “urban blending” arising from the homogenization process.
- While the “rural and urban” series implies an almost continuous long-term warming, the “rural-only” series suggests a much more nonlinear behavior. That is, the “rural-only” series suggests that temperatures have alternated between multidecadal periods of cooling and periods of warming since at least the mid-19th century.
2.2. Potential Climatic Drivers Used by Each Approach
2.3. Statistical Analysis Used
- Natural and anthropogenic (CMIP6): Solar #1, volcanic and anthropogenic components, i.e., equivalent to that adopted for the “natural and anthropogenic forcings” CMIP6 hindcasts;
- Natural and anthropogenic (alternative): Solar #2, volcanic and anthropogenic components, i.e., the same as for the CMIP6 hindcasts, except using the other solar activity dataset;
- Natural only (CMIP6): Solar #1 and volcanic, i.e., equivalent to the “natural forcings only” CMIP6 hindcasts;
- Natural only (alternative): Solar #2 and volcanic, i.e., an alternative “natural forcings only” scenario.
- Gillett et al. (2021) [2] applied total least squares (TLS) linear regressions instead of OLS. Both forms of linear regression generally yield similar results. However, OLS assumes that the x-axis (in this case, year) is well determined. Because Gillett et al. (2021) [2] attempted to fit climate model hindcasts, they argue that TLS is preferable since this allows for the fact that, due to the internal variability of climate models, there can be some uncertainty in the timing of temperature changes.
- Gillett et al. (2021) [2] fitted global land and ocean temperatures, whereas our analysis fits the Northern Hemisphere land-only temperatures.
- Gillett et al. (2021) [2] did not consider the possibility of urbanization bias contamination or study the effects of varying the choice of the TSI dataset.
2.4. Evaluation Metrics Used
- For our main analysis, we will use a fairly straightforward metric—the long-term linear trend over the length of the data records, i.e., 1850–2018. As we shall see, this is usually a warming trend and reflects the long-term hemispheric warming since the start of the record (1850). Comparing Figure 5a,e, we note that the rural and urban trend is 60% higher than that for the rural-only record. It seems plausible that at least some of this extra warming is a result of urbanization bias.
- Meanwhile, as discussed in Section 2.3, the number of stations used for the 19th century is particularly low and mostly limited to stations that are now urbanized. For these reasons, we repeat our analysis by fitting over the shorter 1900–2018 period. Similarly, our second evaluation metric is the 1900–2018 linear trend. We can see from Figure 5a–d that these trends are higher for both the rural and urban series and the rural-only series. However, comparing Figure 5b,f, we note that the rural and urban trend is still substantially higher (67%) than that for the rural-only record.
- Still, using a single long-term linear trend is a somewhat crude metric since the LSAT trends are quite nonlinear—especially for the rural-only series—and neither are the trends for any of the three factors (see Figure 4). Therefore, for our third set of metrics, we consider multiple shorter-term linear trends. As can be seen from Figure 5c,g, both temperature series imply an alternation between warming and cooling periods over the course of the records. Therefore, we calculate the linear trends over three periods, corresponding to local minima and maxima common to both temperature series, i.e., warming from 1885–1938; cooling from 1938–1972; warming from 1972–2018. We note that the differences between the rural-only and rural and urban series are actually greatest for the early-20th-century warming and mid-20th-century cooling rather than the more recent warming period. This might be counterintuitive since urbanization has accelerated in recent decades. However, as discussed in Section 2.1, the urbanization bias problem is complicated by the fact that the availability of rural stations has also increased substantially over recent decades—see Figure 3.
- Our fourth metric completely avoids the use of linear trends and instead involves a comparison of the temperature averages over two fixed time periods. Specifically, we use the difference between the 1850–1900 average and the 1995–2014 average for comparison with several discussions in both AR5 and AR6, e.g., Section (“Temperature Contribution of Forcing Agents”) of AR6 [1]. We refer to this metric as the “AR6 comparison metric”. In terms of this metric, the rural and urban series is 45% higher than the rural-only series—see Figure 5d,h.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Results from the Individual Component Analyses
3.2. Results from the Multiple Linear Regression Analyses
3.3. Comparison of Results to Other Attribution Studies Building on C2021’s Findings
- Harde (2022)’s [18] analysis included two hindcasts that were somewhat similar to our Scenarios 5 and 6, although his temperature record was a combined “rural Northern Hemisphere land and ocean” series instead of our land-only analysis. His hindcasts using Solar #1 failed to find a substantial solar role (similar to our Scenario 5). However, using Solar #2, he found that 2/3 of the long-term warming was solar in origin and only 30% was anthropogenic.
- Li et al. (2022)’s [19] TSI choice was Coddington et al. (2016) [26], which is closely related to and similar to Solar #1. Their chosen temperature record was a global land and ocean series, which includes urban data. Therefore, their analysis has some similarities to our Scenarios 1 and 3. However, a better comparison would be to our individual component fits in Figure 7. Li et al. found a very strong solar signal in the temperature changes up to about 1960, but afterward, the temperature changes shifted to being dominated by increasing CO2. We can obtain similar results by comparing Figure 7a,d, where we can see that Solar #1 cannot explain the post-1960 warming of the rural and urban record, but that it can be explained by the anthropogenic component.
- Richardson and Benestad (2022) [20] confined their analysis to the rural and urban series and did not consider the “natural only” scenarios. However, they analyzed 14 of C2021’s 16 TSI records including Solar #1 and Solar #2. Therefore, their analysis can be compared to Scenarios 1 and 2. Qualitatively, we confirm their finding that for these Scenarios, the long-term warming is mostly anthropogenic (see Figure 8). That said, for Scenario 2, we found that ~27% of the long-term warming could be explained in terms of TSI. According to their Figure 5a, none of Richardson and Benestad (2022)’s [20] “corrected” fits identified a “solar-caused warming fraction” greater than 10%. This suggests that their analysis method substantially underestimates the solar contribution relative to ours. One possible explanation is that their “weighted least squares” fitting method apparently prioritizes fitting the most recent portions of the temperature record over the earlier portions. In contrast, our fitting approach optimized the fits over either the entire temperature record (1850–2018) or the shorter 1900–2018 period.
- Chatzistergos (2023) [21] did not use any TSI series for his analysis. However, he analyzed one of the five solar proxies used in Solar #2. He found that this specific proxy was unable to explain much of the post-1970 warming for several global land and ocean records (that incorporated urban data). In contrast, our Scenario 4 suggests that Solar #2 can explain ~70% of the long-term (1850–2018) warming of the rural and urban series. This suggests that the multiproxy nature of Solar #2 is better able to explain the observed temperature changes than the isolated use of individual solar proxies.
- Scafetta (2023) [22] found that hindcasts using only AR6’s recommended forcings (including Solar #1) were able to reproduce AR6’s attribution statement. However, the hindcasts with the best fits to the observed temperatures were those that included the high-multidecadal-variability TSI records (including Solar #2) and excluded the low-multidecadal-variability TSI records (i.e., Solar #1 and similar reconstructions). In the latter case, the attribution results were similar to those here obtained for Scenario 6—see Figure 9b—in particular when the global sea surface temperature records were used.
4. Conclusions
- How much of the warming since the 19th century implied by current global temperature estimates is an artifact of urbanization biases?
- Have we established a reliable solar forcing dataset for estimating the solar contribution to these trends?
- Causal correlation;
- Commensal correlation;
- Coincidental correlation;
- Constructional correlation.
- Better quantification of the contribution of urbanization bias to current global temperature estimates.
- Improving temperature homogenization techniques to minimize urban blending and more accurately correct for other non-climatic biases.
- Establishing which (if any) of the current TSI datasets are most reliable. We see this as involving two distinct periods: the satellite era and the pre-satellite era. We propose that further satellite missions could help improve the former, while more sun-like star projects could help improve the latter.
- Consideration of the possibility that current estimates of the anthropogenic contribution to recent climate change might be too high.
- Natural climate change drivers other than TSI and volcanic activity.
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Evaluation Metric | Rural and Urban | Solar #1 | Solar #2 | Volcanic | Anthropogenic |
Trend-based | Trend (°C/century) | % | % | % | % |
1850–2018 | 0.89 | 21% | 70% | 0% | 82% |
1900–2018 | 1.17 | 15% | 39% | −2% | 107% |
1885–1938 | 1.07 | 28% | 201% | 8% | 21% |
1938–1972 | −0.77 | −32% | 222% | 35% | 18% |
1972–2018 | 3.25 | −7% | 18% | 4% | 109% |
Period-based | Difference (°C) | ||||
AR6 | 1.37 | 12% | 66% | 2% | 88% |
Evaluation Metric | Rural-Only | Solar #1 | Solar #2 | Volcanic | Anthropogenic |
Trend-based | Trend (°C/century) | % | % | % | % |
1850–2018 | 0.55 | 20% | 89% | −2% | 93% |
1900–2018 | 0.70 | 16% | 53% | −6% | 124% |
1885–1938 | 1.90 | 9% | 89% | 9% | 8% |
1938–1972 | −2.80 | −5% | 49% | 19% | 3% |
1972–2018 | 3.07 | −4% | 15% | 8% | 80% |
Period-based | Difference (°C) | ||||
AR6 | 0.95 | 9% | 75% | 4% | 87% |
Evaluation Metric | Rural and Urban | Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Scenario 3 | Scenario 4 |
Trend-based | Trend (°C/century) | % | % | % | % |
1850–2018 | 0.89 | 87% | 92% | 21% | 70% |
1900–2018 | 1.17 | 108% | 100% | 15% | 38% |
1885–1938 | 1.07 | 38% | 100% | 28% | 206% |
1938–1972 | −0.77 | 38% | 129% | −32% | 247% |
1972–2018 | 3.25 | 106% | 98% | −7% | 21% |
Period-based | Difference (°C) | ||||
AR6 | 1.37 | 91% | 97% | 12% | 66% |
Evaluation Metric | Rural-Only | Scenario 5 | Scenario 6 | Scenario 7 | Scenario 8 |
Trend-based | Trend (°C/century) | % | % | % | % |
1850–2018 | 0.55 | 95% | 109% | 18% | 87% |
1900–2018 | 0.7 | 120% | 110% | 11% | 47% |
1885–1938 | 1.9 | 19% | 59% | 18% | 96% |
1938–1972 | −2.8 | 20% | 44% | 13% | 64% |
1972–2018 | 3.07 | 85% | 72% | 4% | 22% |
Period-based | Difference (°C) | ||||
AR6 | 0.95 | 94% | 105% | 16% | 78% |
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Share and Cite
Soon, W.; Connolly, R.; Connolly, M.; Akasofu, S.-I.; Baliunas, S.; Berglund, J.; Bianchini, A.; Briggs, W.M.; Butler, C.J.; Cionco, R.G.; et al. The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data. Climate 2023, 11, 179.
Soon W, Connolly R, Connolly M, Akasofu S-I, Baliunas S, Berglund J, Bianchini A, Briggs WM, Butler CJ, Cionco RG, et al. The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data. Climate. 2023; 11(9):179.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSoon, Willie, Ronan Connolly, Michael Connolly, Syun-Ichi Akasofu, Sallie Baliunas, Johan Berglund, Antonio Bianchini, William M. Briggs, C. J. Butler, Rodolfo Gustavo Cionco, and et al. 2023. "The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data" Climate 11, no. 9: 179.
APA StyleSoon, W., Connolly, R., Connolly, M., Akasofu, S.-I., Baliunas, S., Berglund, J., Bianchini, A., Briggs, W. M., Butler, C. J., Cionco, R. G., Crok, M., Elias, A. G., Fedorov, V. M., Gervais, F., Harde, H., Henry, G. W., Hoyt, D. V., Humlum, O., Legates, D. R., ... Zhang, W. (2023). The Detection and Attribution of Northern Hemisphere Land Surface Warming (1850–2018) in Terms of Human and Natural Factors: Challenges of Inadequate Data. Climate, 11(9), 179.