
About Diet About Cholesterol and its lowering Critical Videos Critical Websites News

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About Cholesterol and its Lowering

Beck, Melinda Can a Drug That Helps Hearts Be Harmful to the Brain?Wall Street Journal 12 feb 2008
Business Week Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good? Cover story on Jan 17, 2008. Research suggests that, except among high-risk heart patients, the benefits of statins such as Lipitor are overstated.
CBS News Statins’ Mind-Boggling Effects.Interview with Beatrice Golomb
Cohen, Jay S
Interview with Duane Graveline, MD, astronaut, published in E-newsletter April-June 2004
Deans, Emily Cholesterol and Suicide. Psychology Today 21 March 2011
Deutsch, Marshall E*
Ravnskov, Uffe*
Is It Wise To Screen For Hypercholesterolemia in Children?Poster presented at the 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine in Kyoto, 2002.
Eades, Michael Truth versus hype in the JUPITER study About a new megatrial and the superstatin Crestor
Ellison, Shane* Life Saving Cholesterol Facts.
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Cancer
The hidden origin of statin drugs.

Jupiter study highlights 4 reasons to say no to Crestor.
Goldacre, Ben The data belongs to the patients who gave it to you Serious, revealing facts about the new, unpublished and unsuccesful statin trial ENHANCE (Jan 17, 2008)
Golomb, Beatrice Pharma Corruption of Medical Science. Beatrice Golomb, ass. professor in medicine at the University of California has aimed many years researching the side effects of statin treatment. Listen to her ten minutes youtube talk!
Graveline, Duane* Lipitor, Thief of Memory.Have you ever heard about transient global amnesia, a total loss of memory? Do you know it could be a side effect of statin treatment? If not, read this scaring report by “SpaceDoc”, initiated by his own experience
Lipitor Concerns. Possible Downside of a Remarkable Drug
The Statin Dialogues.
More about global amnesia.
Cholesterol – Friend or Foe?
Excerpt from the book: Lipitor, Thief of Memory
Statins and the Flyer.
Excerpt from the book: Lipitor, Thief of Memory
Spacedoc ForumA public discussion forum around statin sider effects.
Adverse drug reports for Lipitor
Griffins, Glenn H. Statins – don’t add them to the drinking water. Electronic letter,CMAJ 2005; 12. April
Hudson, Christopher (Telegraph) Wonder drug that stole my memory. Statins have been hailed as a miracle cure for cholesterol, but little is known about their side effects. Read also the 140 comments, but beware, they are scary.
Kendrick, Malcolm*
(Malcolm Kendrick’s essays were originally published in RedFlagsDaily if nothing else is stated) 





What On Earth Is A Lipoprotein?
OK, do you know what a “fat” is?

Statins for children – this is madness.
Emigration and deadly heart disease risk

Groundhog Day – In Reverse.
About amnesia after Lipitor tereatment
Sneak attack.
A Major Shift In Heart Disease Risk Assessment Has Whipped By Right Under Our Noses In A New Global Study…Say Goodbye To Raised Cholesterol/LDL As A Risk Factor In Heart Disease.
Cholesterol and the French Paradox, The Swiss Paradox, The Russian Paradox, The Lithuanian Paradox…etc.

PROVE-IT and beyond.
Comments to the new statin trial REVERSAL.
PROVE IT – Proved What?
Comments to the new statin trial PROVE-IT.
We Are Sleep-Walking Into What Could Become A Major Medical Disaster Because Statin Drugs Will Soon Be Sold Over-The-Counter.
Did you know that statins produce birth defects?
The Zocor Debacle – I Told You So! But The Great Ship “Cholesterol-Lowering” Has Ripped Its Guts Out On The Harsh Rocks Of Evidence, But Still It Does Not Sink.
He Who Pays The Piper Calls The Tune.About opinion leaders and their payments.
Thanks God He didn’t die of Heart Disease Doctor.About the new “succesful” high-dose statin trial TNT.
Armed And Dangerous.About drug reps.
Stopping Statins Is Bad For Your Health.A presidential lesson.
Gosh, Really, You Don’t Say.About the links between the medical journals and the drug industry.
ASCOT – BPLA(Another Stupid Commercially Overhyped Trial – Before Prescribing Look Again).
The Constant Gardener. About drug company morale
Statins and cancer Do you believe in the drug companies when they tell you that statin treatment prevents cancer?
WHO and the amazing cholesterol data, a youtube presentation.
Are Statins Overused?. Editorial published in Future Lipidology 2007; 2:421-3.
The Cholesterol Myth exposed.
A short Youtube presentation
Lambert, Victoria The worrying wonder drug There is a growing understanding that the statins are not as good as we have been told. By a Daily Telegraph journalist.
McCully, Kilmer* Cholesterol. About one of our most beneficial molecules
Meijer, Melchior Statins - Miracle drug or tragedy? Article published in the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad on January 10, 2004. (Translated into English). Read also what happened with the journalist after the publication of his article!
Milloy, Steven Pharmaceutical Fantasy.Fox News, March 19, 2004
Moyer, Melinda Wenner (Scientific American) It’s Not Dementia, It’s Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory. Why cholesterol drugs might affect memory.
Parker-Pope, Tara Will Cholesterol Pills Save Your Life? New York Times 28 Jan 2008.
8-Year-Olds on Statins? A New Plan Quickly Bites Back
Palpitations Over a New Pill for Kids
Ravnskov, Uffe* Evidence That a High Cholesterol Does Not Cause Atherosclerosis. Rapid Response to the paper by Sijbrands et al (see below). BMJ 30. April, 2001
The side effects from the cholesterol lowering drugs may offset their benefit.
BMJ 19. Aug. 2001. Rapid Response to the announcement that Baycol has been withdrawn because of fatal side effects from the kidneys. Note that only the number of dead patients is given, not the number who survived on dialysis treatment or after a kidney transplantation
Hypercholesterolaemia, the commonest non-disease
Rapid response, BMJ 16 Feb 2002.
Statins As The New Aspirin. Conclusions From The Heart Protection Study were Premature.
BMJ 2002;324:789.
Cholesterol And All-Cause Mortality in Honolulu
Lancet 2001; 358: 1907. A comment to the paper by Schatz et al., see below.
New Cholesterol Guidelines For Converting Healthy People Into Patients

Questionable benefit from polypill treatment.
Rapid Response. BMJ July 13, 2003
Serum cholesterol – a surrogate outcome
Rapid Response, BMJ Oct 6, 2003
The diet-heart idea is kept alive by selective citationRapid Response, BMJ Dec 8, 2003
The Benefits of High Cholesterol
Did you know that high cholesterol protects you against infections and is a marker for longevity after age 65?
The safety of statins in clinical practice. An overly optimistic review of statin treatment published by Jane Armitage in The Lancet was commented in a letter to the editor by Uffe Ravnskov, but rejected by irrelevant objections. Read the letter, the editors response and Uffe Ravnskovs comments to the response.
The Association Between Statins and Cancer Incidence in a Veterans Population. J Ntl Cancer Inst 2008; doi: 10.1093/jnci/djn160
The doubtful associaton between blood lipid changes and progression of atherosclerosis. Int J Cardiol 2011
Ravnskov U*, Kauffman JM*, Langsjoen PH*, McCully, KS,*
Rosch PJ*
Association does not prove causation and is not the same as a dose-response relation. Rapid response, BMJ 16. July, 2002.
Statins And Cancer: Cause For Concern. Rapid response. BMJ 22 October 2002
Ravnskov, U* and Kendrick M* Missing figures from the INTERHEART study.Letter to The Lancet, rejected, but later published as a BMJ Rapid Response
Ravnskov U*, McCully KS* Inflammation in atherosclerosis. Roles of microbes and the lipoprotein immune system . Letter to Journal of the American College of Cardiology rejected because of “space limitation”
Ravnskov U*
Rosch, PJ*
Sutter, MC*
Should cholesterol be lowered as much as possible? Have we really been told all the facts from the TNT trial? Letter to New England Journal of Medicine with an unsatisfactory response from the authors.
Ravnskov U*, Schersten T*,Sundberg R* Doub tful effect of cholesterol lowering. Rapid Response BMJ 30. sep 2009.
Ravnskov U*
McCully KS*
Vulnerable plaque formation from obstruction of vasa vasorum by homocysteinylated and oxidized lipoprotein aggregates complexed with microbial remnants and LDL autoantibodies Ann Clin Lab Sci 2009;39:3-16
Ravnskov U,* McCully K,* Rosch* P The statin-low cholesterol-cancer conundrum
Statins, Cholesterol Levels, and the Risk of Infection
Regush, Nicholas Shabby Medical Thinking.Rapid Response. BMJ June 27, 2003
Rogers, Lois Deaths linked to heart drugs. The Sunday Times (London) March 6, 2005
Rosch, Paul J* Statins Don’t Work By Lowering Lipids. Rapid Response. BMJ Nov 16, 2001
Do Statins Prevent and Treat Infections – Or Is It High Cholesterol? As usual medical journals do not accept letters questioning the benefit of statin treatment. Here is yet another example. Read also this paper in British Medical Journal
Rosenberg, Harriet
Allard, Danielle
Evidence for Caution: Women and statin useA meticulous 36-pages report about the senseless and dangerous use of statins in women. A publication from Canadian Women’s Health Network
Szwarc, Sandy Incredible new guidelines! As we all know high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women. Conclusion? All women are at risk and need treatment! Read this brilliant essay about risk factors!
How’d we get here? If you’re confused about the latest statin and cholesterol news, this information may help… An excellent explanation of what is meant by a controlled, double-blind trial and how the drug companies have circumvented this principle.
When science and sales get mixed up About how the public and the medical community are manipulated by the statin producers (3. April, 2008)
Is it for real? Cholesterol screening in toddlers and statins from elementary school age?
When the news sounds too good – statin, the new wonder drug. About the megatrial JUPITER and the new “superstatin” Crestor
Seneff, Stephanie* Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs shown to be extremely unhealthy
Sijbrands et al Mortality Over Two Centuries in Large Pedigree With Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: Family Tree Mortality Study.BMJ 2001;322: 1019-1023. Do you think that most people with familial hyperchole-sterolemia die at an early age?
Sultan, Sherif and Niamh Hynes The Ugly Side of Statins. Systemic Appraisal of the Contemporary Un-Known Unknowns Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases 2013 vol 3
Gary What’s Cholesterol Got to Do With It?Op-ed in New York Times on Jan 27.
Wagstaff LR et al.
Statin-Associated Memory Loss: Analysis of 60 Case Reports and Review of the Literature. Pharmacotherapy 23(7):871-880, 2003
Vesti Nielsen, Jörgen* The Rise And Fall of Heart Disease Rapid Response. BMJ 30. April 2001
Serum Lipid Lowering and Risk Reduction – Where Is The Connection?
Rapid Response. BMJ 2001: 19. Nov.
Wilson, Duff Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary. A New York Times article about Harvard medical students taught by a professor sponsored by ten drug compagnies
von Radowitz, John (The Independent) 85% of new drugs ‘offer few benefits’
Voss, Eddie*Voss, Eddie* and Rose CP Stanol/Sterol Margarines; Trans fats and Benecol. BMJ. 13. April 2001. Rapid Response to Law, M.
Death isn’t unimportant About the Canadian dyslipidemia guidelines. CMAJ 2005; 173: 1210
Wu L, Schauss AG The Scientific Basis for LDLCholesterol-Lowering Therapyby Wu L and Schauss AG. (go to page 2 on the site). A critical comment to Anthony Colpo’s paper LDL cholesterol: “bad” cholesterol, or bad science? Journal of American Surgeons and Physicians 2005;10:83-89. Don’t forget to read Colpo’s response!