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  (lien:ml71) https://x.com/i/status/1811731572338446348Former CDC Director Robert Redfield admits that COVID-19 mRNA injections can induce a very strong pro-inflammatory response and that side effects were intentionally underreported - Video, U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs (12 July 2024)
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  (lien:d796) https://www.covid-factuel.fr/2024/07/13/vaccins-covid-inefficaces-et-dangereux-les-plus-hautes-autorites-us-le-reconnaissent-et-avouent-quils-le-savaient/Vaccins covid inefficaces et dangereux : les plus hauts responsables US le reconnaissent et avouent qu’ils le savaient. - G Maudrux (13 juillet 2024)
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